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  • Writer's pictureKari Wilde

Homeschooling Mom Daily Routine

Good morning! I just finished a vlog on my daily routine as a homeschooling, working, ultra running mom. My homeschool mom routine seems to change every few months as the kids get older and their needs change, but this is my routine as of right now with three kids 6 and under! You can check the vlog out below:

Here is what my day looks like:

5:30-8:00 AM - Work- I work in corporate america and I spend the first several hours of each day working before the kids get up.

8:00-9:30: Run-I head out for my morning run. I run every single day almost without exception. Running makes me feel so much better and helps me get through the day!

9:45-1:30- Adventure- We usually head out into the forest for some kind of exploration for several hours. This is so good for our souls!

2-3:30- Rest-Naptime and story time for the older kids.

3:30-6:00- Independent Study, 1:1 time, reading, and free play. After the baby wakes up from her nap the kids play for a bit and then I help them work on any projects they are doing or assist them with any research they want to do. This might involve helping my older son work in his nature or adventure journals, helping someone request library books, or helping someone on the computer figure out an answer to a question. During this time we also read. A few times a week, we'll also sit down and work on math.

5-6 PM: Dinner- I also start cooking dinner. The kids usually help several times a week with dinner.

6-9: Work, again- I work again until around 9 PM and my husband helps the kids with their nighttime routine.

Hope you have an excellent week friends and don't forget to connect with us on Instagram here!

Homeschooling Mom Daily Routine : Rewildhood

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